Two years ago, Jami ran a campaign about John, who, with Jami’s support, was able to find hope for the future after attempting to take his own life. Since then, John has turned his life around and is now helping to support other people who are struggling.
He explains, “The support I got from Jami really helped me get to the place I’m at now. Each week, I would go to Head Room café in Golders Green and chat with my peer support worker, who would listen to me and set goals to help me move forwards. It was such a fantastic environment to be in and just so calming. And, as a result of this support, I was able to start making positive choices in my life.
“After joining the Men’s Mind Project, a mental health support group in Kent, I have since become a director of the charity. We get about 18 people on average each week and I take it in turns to lead the group. We also fundraise and use the money to provide one-to-one professional counselling sessions to those who are most struggling.
“We also go into organisations to share our lived experience of mental illness and what happened to us. We hand out a mental health survey and also offer people the chance to have a private chat with us. We now want to take these sessions into city firms and further afield.
“I also run a weekly football session with Kent FA and the NHS for people receiving mental health support. We just do a kick about and there’s usually about 15–16 people, although I would like to promote the group more and get more members. I know everyone who comes really enjoys it and eight people have managed to get back to work and two have started engineering courses at university.
“Thanks to Jami, I’m also involved with Grassroots Suicide Prevention and, in October, I am going to the Sussex Suicide Prevention Conference to talk about my lived experience.” In addition, John has agreed to work with Jami on a new suicide prevention workshop we are launching in the community.
John says, “The key to recovery is wanting to get better. I’ve still got issues, but I’m learning to live with these feelings rather than fighting them. And doing all these things for other people helps me to do that.”
Two years on, John is still in touch with Jami through our Step-down service. This provides monthly telephone or Zoom check-ins to Jami service users who have received one-to-one support recently or in the past, to help maintain their goals and emotional wellbeing. John says: “I receive a regular call from Jami to see how I am doing. It’s a strong person who asks for help.”
For immediate help, ring Samaritans on Freephone 116 123 (24 hours) or Text Jami to 85258 for free, confidential support from SHOUT.
If you need support or are supporting someone who needs help, visit jamiuk.org/get-support/ or call 020 8458 2223.