Our community is affected by suicide like every community.
Death from suicide is shocking and causes much heartache, pain and sorrow. Together we can strive to preserve life as well as acknowledging the trauma that a suicide brings to a family and the wider community.
Jami is committed to a whole populations approach, which means working with everyone, to prevent suicide, raise awareness and learning across our community on this most sensitive and taboo of subjects.
We are presenting two forthcoming educational events. The first event “The Ripple Effect” on Tuesday 16th October in Edgware, 7.00 -9.00pm, is aimed at educators of all kinds including teachers, youth workers and educational leadership, Rabbis and other communal leaders. This evening will look at coping with the aftermath of a suicide and how to respond effectively to community need in the wake of a suicide. We will also look at a concept relatively new to the UK called ‘postvention’, activities which reduce risk and promote healing after a suicide.
The second, Breaking the Taboo: How to Talk Openly About Suicide, Tuesday 13 November, 6.30 – 8.30pm, is for anyone in the community who wishes to talk about this difficult subject in a supportive environment and takes place at our Head Room Café in Golders Green.
We hope that these educational and community spaces can bring further help and support to our community.
As a postscript, we regularly train community members in Mental Health First Aid which includes information on suicide prevention.
To book onto our courses click here.
Booking not required for the Head Room Café event.