Young Adults
There are many different ideas about types of wellbeing or wellness. For this activity we will be looking at the 5 steps to mental wellbeing from the NHS, which you can find here. This activity can be carried out in the workplace with colleagues or socially in a group setting.
Wellbeing balloon debate
Suggested activity for Young Adults
There are many different ideas about types of wellbeing or wellness. For this activity we will be looking at the 5 steps to mental wellbeing from the NHS, which you can find on page 7 of the toolkit. This activity can be carried out in the workplace with colleagues or socially in a group setting.
For the balloon debate, divide your group into five separate groups and assign each group one “way to wellbeing”.
Let them know that their job is to advocate for why their way to wellbeing is the most important for their mental health. To prove this, they will need to include examples of how their way to wellbeing could be achieved.
The debate should be structured with short opening remarks, a maximum five-minute pitch and a few minutes for questions from the other side. If possible, have someone to referee the debate and keep time.
Allow your groups at least 10 minutes to prepare for their debate. When everyone is ready, groups take it in turns to debate with each other. The winner of each debate goes on to the second round until there is one winner.
You can use some of the following ideas about the 5 steps to mental wellbeing and prompts to help your groups get started.
1. Connect with other people
We know connection and community are vital for our mental health. Good relationships can boost our mental health by fostering a sense of belonging and building confidence. It also helps us create bespoke support networks which we can rely on when we need them.
- How can we connect with others in and out of the workplace?
- What support networks are available in the Jewish community?
2. Be physically active
Physical activity is important for both our physical and our mental health. It can help us build confidence and self-esteem. It can also challenge us in a positive way and motivate us to reach our goals. We also know that it can be an important form of self-care and help boost our mood.
- Does physical activity provide us with the opportunity to socialise and interact with others? What are some examples of this?
- Are there other aspects of physical activity that can boost our wellbeing?
3. Learn new skills
Being involved in meaningful activity can provide a sense of purpose, which is vital for our mental health. Likewise, new skills can increase our problem-solving skills and encourage us to be creative. It may also boost our self-confidence when we find success at something we previously found challenging.
- What avenues for learning can be found within our workplace?
- How can we use our hobbies to support our wellbeing?
4. Give to others
Those who volunteer and give to others report higher levels of wellbeing. It can help us feel connected and foster a sense of community. It can create a sense of reward and provide us with a sense of purpose too.
- How can we support one another within our community?
- How does volunteering give us a sense of purpose?
5. Pay attention to the present
Mindfulness is all about being in the present moment. We know that for many, being more mindful can improve their wellbeing. By being more mindful we can boost our mood and enjoy the present moment more fully. It may help us understand ourselves and those around us better too. By being mindful we may be able to slow down and approach challenges in a more thoughtful way too.
- How can we encourage each other to be more mindful?
- What options for mindfulness might exist within our workplace or community?